Posts Tagged ‘Oatmeal’

Well obviously if you’re food is dirty….you wash it. That’s what I tell people if they ask me that question. But in all honesty, it’s taken me a good couple of years to get to that mind set. I grew into my distorted perception of food right around the same time “Bro-Science” came around. So I easily developed a mentality that foods were labelled healthy/unhealthy, or, “clean”/”dirty”. When choosing between either brown rice and white rice, the choice was obvious… the brown rice is a more complex carb; it’ll digest slower, has fiber….and the white rice will instantaneously be metabolised and be stored as fat… =/. Yeah that was how I used to think (And many people do out there). Here’s the  thing though, 40 grams of brown rice and 40 grams of white rice will give you basically equal amounts of carbs (Besides the gram or 2 of fat, fiber, or protein). My point is that that brown rice will be converted to glucose the same metabolic pathway the white rice will be. 
Now I’m NOT saying a Carb is a Carb so go eat poptarts, and skittles, and whole grains can go F themselves. But in a sense readers should be aware of how the human body views these macronutrients we input into our system. It doesn’t see brown rice and contemplate its a healthier source of grain, it see’s it the same way it would see white rice…as carbs! Bottom line. 
Now to clear the air; I am a HUGE believer in the more nutritious, sustainable choices. I eat my greens, browns and any other colour you can think of…but if I feel like having a Klondike bar after dinner tonight, and I know I can easily fit it into My Marco’s, by all means. Or I can have 2/3 cup of oatmeal … and oatmeals healthy, or in other words, “Clean” right? Well its giving me 37 carbs, and 4 fat (200kcal) while the Klondike is giving me 36 carbs and 5 fat (200kcal)…Think i’ll “Treat” myself tonight =P. 

What's for breakfast?

This is an example of pretty “Clean” breakfast.
2 Eggs + Egg Beaters + some spinach topped w/ Franks HS
2/3 C Quick Oats w/ Almond Milk and some stevia.
And I always include a Green Tea in my morning.