Posts Tagged ‘lunch’

The “Swole Bowl” in its name remains a concept and continues to show its versatility as such. In it’s glory the dish delivers great taste, and nutrition, and in the case of requiring to eat a lot of food in one sitting…manageability. The motive is to make a healthy and delicious protein packed meal based on what you have on hand. Now for the reveal! Image

Salsa Mixed Tuna (Mix 1 can of tuna with Salsa and Hot Sauce)
1/3 C Black Beans
1 Large Sweet Potato (Baked)
Green Beans (Steamed)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Raw Garlic and Chopped onions

Its very much an idea of combining straightforward food sources; like your vegetable, your fats(EVOO), your carbs (SP), and your protein (T), and mashing them all together so you get one solid, delicious bite with everything. The key is to flavour the bowl however you like, but for me personally…Salsa, Hot Sauce, Cilantro, Salt + Pepper… never fails!

Keeping things FRESH! How to not get bored with staple meals.

Eating the same food over and over again can really put you in a miserable state. Especially if your like me; I enjoy eating my staple foods on a daily basis, yes I thoroughly enjoy changing things up at times, but im quite okay and happy with eating dishes over and over again (I.e burrito’s/wraps, sweet potato’s, oatmeal, chicken and rice, etc). But sure enough there are the times where IT GETS OLD, and the flavour of the foods just don’t satisfy my pallet. If you got a similar issue this is a great way to eat practically the same dish but make it taste brand new. Allow me to provide an example .ImageLooks like a pretty standard Burrito, like a lot of the ones I eat. Salsa, chicken, avocado, sour cream, cilantro, hot sauce…. But I bought a new brand of salsa today and a new brand of hot sauce too; and it was so stupid good! Just those 2 changes in my everyday ordinary burrito, gave it an all new flavour base. Its a great trick to use for your next meal, as each company will try to represent their product as unique from the rest, you can add great new flavour to a re-occurring dish. Try this out by buying different brands of your favourite flavour enhancers (Sauces, spreads, etc) and you’ll feel like your eating that dish for the first time. Or, rather than choosing a different brand, try a new ingredient. Add roasted bell peppers, hot peppers, olives, try different herbs, and spices, a new cheese, or anything else. Manipulating just one aspect to a meal/dish can change it completely.

Post Workout Lunch

Nothing like taking down a beast meal after a solid workout.
Whole Wheat Tortilla filled with; Chicken, Avocado, Pinto Beans, Salsa and Sour Cream. Sprinkle some Cilantro on there and BAM!